Storey Wilkins Photography

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers


Do I need to sign a contract with you as the wedding photographer?

Yes. Once we have agreed to work together, I will send you a contract to complete, sign and return to me. I require a signed contract for either standard or non-disclosure events.


Who owns the copyright of the photographs taken at my wedding?

Ownership of the original photographs (copyright) belongs to Storey Wilkins of Storey Wilkins Photography. Unless you specify otherwise, Storey will have the option to use the images for advertising, web site display, teaching and print competition, exhibitions, editorials, digital and print marketing, publications, educational and website purposes.


What happens when the wedding photography agreement is signed?

After you have signed my "initial wedding agreement" and the deposit has been paid, the day is officially held. The final balance is to be paid no later than two weeks before the wedding.

The payment options include cheque, credit card (Visa or Mastercard), email money transfer or PayPal. As I have held that date exclusively for you, deposits cannot be refunded for postponements or cancellations.

The final payment is due two weeks before the wedding. I will send you a reminder email as you'll have a lot to think of then. Any additional services like extra time or album upgrades can be dealt with after the wedding.

COVID-19 Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy

We have to postpone our wedding because of the pandemic. What do we do?

I hope you're keeping well despite the current situation around the world. I am sure this feels like a hectic time for you and your families and I want to provide support where I can. I totally understand your reasoning for rescheduling, and I still honour my original payment structure for my 2021 and 2022 clients.

That is, I require an $850 plus tax ($960.50) deposit to secure your wedding date. The balance is due in total two weeks before your wedding day.

I am happy to show as much flexibility as I possibly can while rescheduling your event date and as a small business.

If you need to reschedule because of COVID-19 restrictions, I will try my best to be available for your new date but I can offer no guarantee. In the case I am not available, I will provide you with suggestions for other talented professional photographers from Toronto who may be available for the re-booked date, and in whom I have complete confidence.

And if you change the date because of COVID-19 restrictions, and I am not available on your new date, I will refund your deposit. However, your deposit will not be refunded for any other reason.

I also have a force majeure clause in my contract so that if you need to postpone your wedding because of COVID-19 restrictions, you are able to void your photography contract with me.

Please let me know if you have any further questions. I am sending you and your family lots of love during this difficult time.

Out of Town

Do I need to pay extra if the wedding is out of town?

For example, travel to most of 'Cottage country' is an additional $400. Accommodation of the night of the wedding will be arranged by me and added to your final invoice. Please ask us about locations further away for an accurate quote.

Permit Fee

What if the portrait location requires us to pay a fee?

There are many great wedding and engagement photography locations in Toronto. Many require permits to book a time slot when you can arrive with your bridal party. Please request my list of top locations in the city.

Permit Process

What is the process for getting a permit?

Many superb locations do require permits for photography. The Distillery District and University of Toronto being two popular venues that come to mind. And yes, they do enforce it. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to be kicked out of a place you had set your heart on?

So permits are important, and yes, you the couple need to obtain the permit, and it is really advisable to do it well in advance.

Second Photographer

You listed two photographers. What does each one do?

I am the principal photographer and specialize in moments, emotion and candid images, My assistant will act as a second photographer only when not required to enhance lighting or posing scenarios (or carry equipment) for me.

Third Photographer

Do you think we need a third photographer?

We are often working closely together, but rarely with our cameras pointing in the same direction. Part of our approach is looking for action and reaction, formal and casual, this end of the reception versus that end. We feel that it is rare that a situation presents itself that we cannot deal with, however we are happy to discuss it with you and show you the full extent of our wedding coverage.

However, we can arrange another professional photographer as a “third photographer” for your wedding, if you require three simultaneous locations to be covered at some point during the day. Expect an increase in fee of $1200 for this service.


What do you think about video coverage?

We have the great pleasure of working with some great people in the film industry, whom we are happy to refer to you, who are lovely people with the same desire to 'fit in' and same desire to be discreet. They also understand the need for us both to 'get the shot', and to use the minimum of distracting equipment or lighting.

These video people we love working with and recommend highly. Please ask us for our list of recommended suppliers. We would always suggest than you be conscious of the 'media team' you are assembling. Too many people can be counter-productive.


How long does it take to get my photographs after the wedding?

Typically you will see your wedding photos for the first time during your post-wedding virtual sales meeting with me. This will normally be about two weeks after the wedding. You will then have another two weeks to use your print credit and place your order for digital files, prints, framed prints, a wedding album and more.

Social Media

So, I love Instagram, Pinterest and bridal magazines - can I show you my faves?

It can be helpful for us to see what images you like. It is very important that you see those images in our samples. If you don't, we might not be the photographers for you. Sample images can be great to explain a mood, or a feeling or a composition of an image.

You can imagine that there has to be a correlation between your wedding and the one in your sample picture. For example: the light, airy, back lit image in a wheat field is not going to translate to a downtown Toronto night time winter wedding. However, it could be helpful if you are having a cottage wedding.

Fundamentally, the most difficult thing to do is to hire someone and ask them to perform in a totally different way. It's a bit like asking your funky party band to perform 17th chamber music. It probably sounds really obvious but make sure you are happy with the photography style and the variety we show you.

Other Cameras

How do you feel about other people taking pictures?

Your guests and family are very welcome providing they don't stop us from doing the job you commissioned us for. We prefer them to wait until we are finished, as time can be of the essence, and we find eyes moving in all directions for different cameras can ruin our photograph.

During the formal sessions with yourselves and your families we would prefer it that we were the only people making images for precisely that reason.

We invite you to consider making your wedding ceremony 'unplugged'. That is please request your guests to simply enjoy the ceremony and leave the photography to us. It is a move most welcomed by wedding officiants seeking to maintain the importance and sanctity of the most important part of the day.

It also means we don't have to try and photograph you coming down the aisle through a forest of iPhones, iPads and assorted smaller cameras. This 'unplugged' request is often in the form of a sign at the back of the church, or a note in the ceremony program, or a gentle announcement by your wedding officiant.

You are commissioning us to be the only photographers of still images for your wedding. As such it is not acceptable for any other supplier or vendor to produce still images of your wedding.

Vendor Meals

Do we need to feed you at the wedding?

Yes please! it's a long, high energy expending day for us on constant alert. Many venues supply 'vendor meals' as an alternative to the same meal provided to guests. Being 'fed and watered' will ensure we are at our best for you and not fading in a corner.

If possible, it is most helpful for us to be fed at the same time as yourselves. When you're eating - we are not photographing you - but we want to be right there when you've finished and attending to the official requirements of the evening.

Digital Negatives

Do we get all the digital 'negatives'? What about the rejects?

You most certainly have the option to purchase the full resolution, non-watermarked, JPEG files of your wedding coverage. I spend a considerable amount of time using my professional judgement to carefully select and enhance the best images from a sequence, and making sure your collection is not filled with duplicates making your choices more difficult.

Your collection does not include things like blinks, people stepping in front of an image, unflattering expressions, minor variants of a theme, or the occasional technical problem.

Rejects are never shown to you and are never available. Likewise, files in RAW format or camera original are never available.

Where to have High Quality Prints Made

If I purchase the digital negatives, why would I get you to make prints for me?

Great question! The high-quality files I supply will (in many cases) allow you to make good quality, inexpensive prints for distributing among your guests and family. Often, however, you will want only the very best professionally finished print made on beautiful papers - that's where my professional lab comes in. The difference is worth it!

Accepting Print Orders

You didn't photograph my wedding, but would you be willing to print my photos for me? My photographer doesn't sell albums, prints or wall displays.

Of course! If you have the high resolution copies of your wedding and engagement photographs, and you have permission from your photographer, I would be happy to print your photographs for you. My pricing is the same as it is for my own couples (including retouching and enhancements required on your images before printing). I welcome your business.

Be in touch soon to book your wedding photographer.